Beradaptasi di Tempat Kerja Baru

Setelah sukses melewati tahap wawancara dan diterima untuk menempati posisi pekerjaan yang diimpikan, kini saatnya memulai kehidupan baru di kantor baru. Untuk dapat bekerja dengan baik, tentunya Anda harus mampu beradaptasi dan bersosialisasi dengan baik pula dengan lingkungan baru Anda tersebut. Bagi sebagian orang, proses adaptasi ini mungkin tidak cukup mudah dan memakan waktu yang […]

Freelancer Tips and How to Start

How to start working as a freelancer? Do you want to break into the adventure of working as a freelance, leave your stable income, vacation, hours of 8 hours for the convenience of your home, work in pajamas, freedom and flexibility of hours but still do not know where to start despite having taken the […]

Optimize Your Job Hunting

Your CV wowed the employer, the interview was a bed of roses and you were certain that the final handshake was a warm welcome to the team, so why are you, four weeks later, still dangling with no signs of a job offer in sight?  You may well be guilty of one or more of […]

Built Your Self Confidence

Self confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared out of your mind. Your perception of yourself has an enormous impact on how others perceive you. Perception is reality — the more self confidence you have, the more likely it is you’ll succeed. Although many of the factors affecting self confidence are beyond […]

Job Interview Preparation and Tips

Going for a job interview is probably one of the most nerve wrecking task in the world. You don’t really know what to expect from the job interviewer and you are worried you might get tongue tried and damage your chances of getting your dream job. Here are some tips for job interviews you should […]

Application Letter Tips to Increase the Chance for Interview

Writing a Great Letter of Application When you sit down to begin drafting your letter of application, remember that a good letter of application, combined with a good curriculum vitae or resume, will produce a job interview – not a job offer. Always bear in mind that the purpose of the letter of application is […]