After successfully passing the interview stage and being accepted for the job position of your dreams, now is the time to start a new life in a new office. To be able to work well, of course, you must be able to adapt and socialize well with your new environment. Here some tips to Adapting […]
Your CV wowed the employer, the interview was a bed of roses and you were certain that the final handshake was a warm welcome to the team, so why are you, four weeks later, still dangling with no signs of a job offer in sight? You may well be guilty of one or more of […]
Self confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared out of your mind. Your perception of yourself has an enormous impact on how others perceive you. Perception is reality — the more self confidence you have, the more likely it is you’ll succeed. Although many of the factors affecting self confidence are beyond […]
Umumnya, anda menghadapi situasi dimana anda harus bersaing dengan banyak pelamar. Situasi semacam ini tentu menuntut anda untuk menawarkan expected dan extra. Bagaimana caranya? Sebagai tambahan atau penegasan dari yang sudah anda ketahui, di bawah ini ada Hal yang Harus Dihindari Saat Wawancara Kerja. Jangan Over Confident atau Terlalu Percaya Diri Jangan terlalu “pede” diterima […]
Fresh Graduates / Lulus dari jenjang pendidikan tinggi membuat setiap orang memasuki masa baru mereka, yaitu bersaing mendapatkan karir yang baik. Memulai Karir Baru, Mencari Lowongan pekerjaan. Sayangnya, sering kali para lulusan (fresh graduate) tersebut tidak tahu apa saja yang seharusnya dilakukan untuk meraih karir impian dan memulai hidup mandiri. Ikuti beberapa langkah berikut ini dan […]